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By Adrienne Yanich, RN |

Ultrasound-Guided Filler Injections

Our Providers Use Ultrasound Imaging To Make Treatments Safer & More Effective

Ultrasound-guided filler injections 包括使用手持式超声波设备扫描面部的不同区域,以确定血管的位置和它们在注射前的深度. 这种先进的技术为患者提供了更安全的体验,并通过突出填充物的理想深度,使我们的注射更有效和彻底. 

How Do You Use Ultrasound For Injectables?

首先,我们将超声波传输凝胶涂在皮肤上,以帮助更有效地传导声波. 这些受控制的声波随后被我们的手持超声波设备送入皮肤, 它会将图像转发到连接到手机或iPad的移动应用澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网上. This allows us to see the area that we’re working with.

These soundwaves don’t cause damage; there are no long-term effects, and patients don’t feel them at all. 它们在皮肤下面的结构上反弹,所以我们可以根据结构的密度看到不同的层. 骨骼、牙齿和软骨等密度较大的结构会反弹,呈现出白色. 

How Does Ultrasound Prevent Dangerous Injections?

As certified providers, 我们对面部的解剖位置有相当深刻的理解. 使用超声波成像可以让我们更近距离地观察到底层结构. 我们非常确定地知道每根血管的深度,从而尽可能安全地提供注射.

Are There Specific Areas Where Ultrasound Is More Useful?

我们知道这种技术对面部的某些区域非常有用. The main area of note is near the nasolabial folds. 鼻子上有一条明显的大动脉. 超声波能让我们定位血管并不惜一切代价避开它. 

Another great way to leverage this technique is with non-surgical rhinoplasty. Blood supply to the nose is limited, 所以保存所有的血管是很重要的. 我们在鼻子的背峰处使用它不仅能帮助我们识别敏感的动脉, but also all the additional nasal cartilage and bone irregularities. 

What Happens If Filler Is Injected Into A Vein, Nerve Or Artery? 

将填充物或肉毒杆菌注射到错误的地方是一个真正值得关注的问题. 在轻微的情况下,它会导致不适、麻木和“漂白”(组织变白)。. In more serious situations, this can result in vascular occlusions which may progress to tissue necrosis if not addressed quickly.

这也是我们强烈要求各地个人只寻求信誉良好的另一个原因, 训练有素,经验丰富的专业人员进行澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

How Does Imaging Technology Improve The End Result? 

每个人都是在2D中学习解剖学的——我们都知道课本上平的东西应该在哪里. But life is in 3D and cosmetic injections are all about depth. We’re doing more than just not injecting into an area where there’s a blood vessel; we’re making the most of the space by knowing how deep to place certain fillers based on that patient’s anatomical variances. 这个额外的步骤还允许我们识别特定图层中现有的填充物,以帮助计划下一步的分层处理. 

What Treatments Can Ultrasound Be Used With? 

我们可以在面部和颈部的所有注射部位使用这种技术, including (but not limited to) Botox, lip injections, liquid rhinoplasty, Kybella fat reduction, chin/jawline filler, undereye filler and nasolabial fold filler. 

Using Ultrasound On A Filler Injection Patient

Should I Always Ask For Ultrasound At My Appointment? 

在你的咨询过程中,你的医生应该问一系列重要的问题, 比如“你以前有过填充物吗”和“你过去有过并发症吗”?“你的回答将帮助医生决定是否有必要进行超声波检查以提高安全性. However, if you have rapport and experience with this specific injector, 他们可能会放弃超声波成像,因为他们已经知道你独特的面部解剖结构和之前注射的位置.

在美国,大多数医疗服务提供者都没有配备或接受过使用成像技术进行此类澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的培训. Asking for it may result in a pretty quick “no.” This does not mean that other providers are dangerous or unqualified; they’re just lacking the resources necessary to make the most of your money and take your results and safety to the next level. 

Ultrasound Guided Filler Injections

Ultrasound Gel

Adrienne Yanich RN Author Bio

About The Author: 

Adrienne Yanich, RN is one of Columbus, Ohio’s most sought-after injectables experts. 她在注射解剖和超声成像注射技术方面获得了美国面部美学学会的正式认证. 她有丰富的经验,用肉毒杆菌等非手术疗法取得了令人难以置信的效果, laser therapies, Ultherapy and more. 

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