Can I Have Surgery If I'm Sick | Donaldson 整形手术-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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通过 博士. 米歇尔·西弗特|

Can I Have Surgery If I’m Sick?

The Importance Of Your Overall Health 之前 Surgery

Can I Have Surgery If I’m Sick?

透过沙哑的声音,我们偶尔会听到澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台提出以下问题:Can I have surgery if I’m sick?” The quick answer: sometimes. 你的症状, 症状的严重程度, 疾病类型, 手术的强度和时机都是我们的手术团队和你一起做决定的重要因素.

To provide greater clarity, 我们会强调那些可能导致你的手术被重新安排的症状,直到你完全康复, 以及生病时接受手术的潜在风险,以及如果你感觉不舒服应该怎么做.

The Symptoms That May Disqualify You From Surgery


  • 发热
  • Cold, flu, RSV or Covid within 2 weeks of surgery
  • Bronchitis or pneumonia within 30 days of surgery
  • 咳嗽
  • 严重的交通堵塞
  • Nausea or stomach virus
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • Infected skin in the targeted area

这些症状会影响身体对麻醉和手术压力的耐受能力. 疾病的严重程度和性质在决定是否进行手术方面起着重要作用. 某些疾病的风险可能很小,而其他疾病可能会增加并发症的可能性.

Other Factors To Consider:


  • 慢性疾病 & Other Underlying Health Conditions: Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, 比如糖尿病, heart disease or respiratory issues, may be at higher risk during surgery, especially when combined with an acute illness. 作为尽职调查的一部分,我们的团队在咨询过程的早期就确定了这些条件.
  • 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台: 手术的复杂性和侵入性也应考虑在内. More extensive surgeries may place additional strain on the body, making it essential to be in optimal health.
  • 时间: Evaluate the timing of the surgery in relation to the illness. 在某些情况下, 推迟手术,直到你完全恢复可能是最安全的做法.

How Does Illness Increase Risk During Surgery?

  • Compromised Immune Response: Being sick weakens the immune system, which may increase the risk of postoperative infections, pneumonia or blood clots.
  • 延迟愈合: Illness can impair the body’s ability to heal properly after surgery, leading to prolonged recovery times.
  • Increased Anesthesia Risks: Certain illnesses may affect how the body responds to anesthesia, potentially leading to complications during or after surgery.
  • 呼吸系统问题:呼吸道感染或疾病会增加手术期间呼吸问题的风险,并可能加剧现有的呼吸系统疾病.
  • 流体 & Electrolyte Imbalances: Illness can disrupt fluid 和 electrolyte balance in the body, 手术中维持生理功能稳定的关键是什么.

What Medications Should I Stop Taking 之前 Surgery?

手术前, 您可能需要停止服用某些药物,以减少手术期间和手术后并发症的风险. 需要停止的具体药物和停止的持续时间取决于手术的类型和你的病史. 之前 stopping any of these medications, you should always consult with your primary healthcare provider.



  • Blood Thinners/Anticoagulants (3-7 days before): Medications such as warfarin, 肝素钠, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs – 7 days before): Drugs like ibuprofen, 甲氧萘丙酸, 阿司匹林会增加出血的风险,干扰身体形成血栓的能力.
  • 药草补充剂 & Vitamins (1 – 2 weeks before): Certain herbal supplements 和 vitamins (such as vitamin E, 大蒜, 银杏叶, 绿茶, 绿茶提取物和鱼油)会增加出血的风险,或与手术中使用的麻醉和其他药物相互作用.
  • 糖皮质激素长期使用皮质类固醇可抑制肾上腺产生皮质醇的能力, which is essential for responding to stress during surgery. 一直服用皮质类固醇的患者可能需要在手术前调整剂量或逐渐减少剂量, under the guidance of their healthcare provider.
  • 糖尿病药物糖尿病患者在手术前可能需要调整他们的糖尿病药物,以防止手术期间和手术后血糖波动. 具体的建议将取决于糖尿病药物的类型, 术前患者血糖控制情况及禁食时间.
  • 减肥 Injections (at least 2 weeks): Injections (such as semaglutide, Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro 和 Trulicity) causes delayed gastric emptying, 麻醉下哪些因素会增加胃内容物误吸的风险.
  • CPAP机器: 虽然不是药物澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,但睡眠呼吸暂停患者应避免使用鼻枕CPAP面罩. 相反,他们应该选择全面罩,以确保在睡觉时更紧密地密封.

Dr. Donaldson discussing surgery preparation with a patient

How Long After One Surgery Can I Have Another Surgery?

This depends on various factors, including the complexity of the surgeries, adherence to recovery protocols 和 your overall health. 在一般情况下, 我们通常建议患者在接受后续手术前等待6 - 12周. 在讨论这个时间表时,您应该始终与您的供应商保持透明.

Your 男人tal Health Is Also A Priority

手术前处于良好的心理健康环境对你的手术体验和康复有积极的影响. 精神健康 contributes to a stronger immune system,减少并发症的风险,促进术后更快的愈合. 另外, 做好心理准备可以提高你应对不适的能力, manage stress 和 adhere to postoperative care instructions, ultimately leading to a smoother, more successful recovery process.

What Should I Do If I Feel Sick But Have Surgery Coming Up?

澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台你的外科医生,并尽快解释你的症状. 医疗团队可以评估情况,然后决定手术是否可以按计划进行,还是需要推迟,让你完全恢复. 您的透明度和及时性值得赞赏,但对于确保手术成功和优化术后恢复也至关重要.

Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert Author Bio作者简介:

作为一个 board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert 认为有必要教育患者在生病时接受手术的风险,并指导他们做出符合其整体健康的明智决定. She is renowned for her long-lasting surgical results, 还有她安慰澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的态度和对人体的理解, 作为一个整体.

Dr. Sieffert routinely performs 整容手术, 脖子上电梯, 腹部除皱手术去年隆胸手术 with incredible outcomes.

