隆胸术后指导| Donaldson Health-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.
This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.
This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.
This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.
This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.
This field is for validation purposes 和 should be left unchanged.


促进康复的指南 & 尽量减少并发症的风险


经历 隆胸手术 is a significant decision that involves careful planning 和 post-operative care to ensure optimal results, 一个顺利的恢复和全面充实的经验. 本指南提供全面的 隆胸术后说明 to help you navigate the crucial days 和 weeks following your procedure.

你也可以浏览我们的 "隆胸恢复检查表"在这里 有关其他准备信息.

But 第一个 — 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 Your Surgeon If You Experience Any Of The Following Symptoms:

  • 发高烧, (101度以上)严重恶心呕吐, 持续的头晕或不连贯的行为, 比如幻觉.
  • 任何不能用止痛药控制的疼痛.
  • 鲜红的皮肤,摸起来很热.
  • 大量出血或液体从切口渗出.
  • A severely misshapen appearance, excessive bruising or fluid retention localized to one region.
  • Reaction to your medications such as rashes, nausea, vomiting, etc.



在放电, you will only be released to a responsible adult who will monitor your health 和 support you around the clock for the first 24 hours following surgery.

休息 & 活动

而休息在康复的早期阶段是至关重要的, it is equally important that you walk under your own strength:

  • 走: Engage in light walking indoors for 10 minutes every 2 hours to prevent blood clots.
  • 休息: 避免平躺. Stay in a reclined position or propped up on pillows, keeping your head elevated.
  • 压力管理: 避免参加有压力的活动. 让别人在这个时候关心你.
  • 吸烟: 绝对禁止吸烟. Smoking can impair healing 和 increase the risk of complications.


营养 & 水合作用

  • 服用处方药时避免饮酒.
  • 每两小时至少喝8盎司的液体.
  • 粘软, 平淡无奇, 头24小时吃营养丰富的食物, 然后逐渐恢复正常饮食. A high protein intake of at least 50 grams per day is recommended during recovery.


  • 保持切口清洁.
  • 一开始会有液体和血液渗出.
  • Do not remove any crusting near your stitches or tamper with sutures, surgical glue, or steri-strips.
  • You will be provided scar gel at your 1-week follow-up appointment.


Injectable anesthetics such as Lidocaine or Marcaine may be used during your procedure. 注意中毒的早期迹象:

  • 口腔或舌头周围麻木
  • 耳鸣
  • 视觉障碍
  • 癫痫发作
  • 失去知觉

If you experience mild symptoms, contact your surgeon’s office for instructions. 如出现癫痫等严重症状,请立即拨打911.


手术后2 - 7天


  • 两周内不要举起超过一加仑的牛奶.
  • Avoid overhead activity or reaching where elbows leave your side for 2 weeks.
  • 两周内不做家务或剧烈活动.
  • No driving until completely off pain medication 和 at least 4-5 days post-surgery.
  • 绝对禁止吸烟.


Refer to the Post-Op Medication Guidelines 和 Medication Calendar in your TouchMD homework for detailed instructions.


Sleep with your head elevated on multiple pillows or in a lounge chair for the first week to minimize swelling 和 facilitate proper drainage. 另外, sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your chest 和 ensure optimal healing of the surgical area.


  • 像往常一样清洗身体
  • Let soapy water run over incisions, but do not scrub at the incision sites
  • 拍干并重新涂抹干净的敷料

酱 & 伤口护理

  • 纱: Re-apply gauze or padding between your skin 和 the compression garment after showering.
  • Maxi-Pads: 可以使用大的吸收垫来收集排水液.
  • 压缩服装: Wear a non-underwire, front-closure bra at all times for the first 6 weeks.
  • 压缩: Use cool compresses but avoid applying ice directly to the skin.
  • 缝线: 缝合线是可吸收的,放在皮肤下面. 不去除手术胶或消毒贴.
  • 莨菪碱片: If you have a Scopolamine patch behind your ear, it may cause blurry vision. 在12-24小时内取下贴片以改善视力. 洗手后要洗手.


手术后1 - 4周


  • 练习: Return to exercise at 4 weeks, chest exercises at 6 weeks.
  • 家务: 两周后恢复正常的家务.
  • 取消: 4周后恢复正常举重
  • 到达: 大约2周后恢复正常活动范围.
  • 驾驶: Drive 4-5 days post-surgery if off all narcotic pain medications.


  • 工作: You may return to work 7-10 days after surgery if you can continue to adhere to the recommended activity restrictions.
  • 睡觉: Return to sleeping flat on your back or sides at 1 week, if comfortable.
  • 阳光照射: Avoid direct sun exposure for a year post-surgery to prevent the darkening of immature scars.
  • 吸烟: 绝对禁止吸烟 at any time during the recovery process.


  • Start scar care once glue or steri-strips fall off (typically 2-3 weeks post-surgery).
  • 涂抹疤痕凝胶 在胶水或胶带取下后,每天两次.


Begin implant displacement exercises 7-10 days after surgery as per instructions in your post-op packet.


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士他是俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一名执业整形外科医生. He specializes in a number of surgical procedures, including breast augmentation, 腹部除皱阴道整型的. Dr. Donaldson uses his experience 和 expertise to ensure his patients are fully supported throughout each step of their recovery — from immediate care on the day of surgery to activity restrictions 和 scar management in the weeks that follow.


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